Friday, March 11, 2011

Brotherly Comparison!

Evan taking a bath 6 months old.

Owen taking a bath 5 months old.
Yes they are full brothers.....I promise! It's amazing how different all my kids look yet I see a lot of the same traits and features in them!


Miss Jackson said...

My girls love pics of your kids!! They know Evan as the boy with "poo poo on his back"...hee hee!! They still have not gotten over that photo! :)

Shannon Farage said...

Missy....that is hilarious! Poor kid, he will probably want to kill me one day for posting that picture but I just couldn't not post it! I'm glad your girls like looking at them, maybe when they get settled at home, Rylie could be a penpal with them. I know she would enjoy that.

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