Monday, March 21, 2011

Friday, Saturday and Sunday.....The final days of Spring Break!

Really didn't do a lot for the end of Spring Break. Hung out at home Friday, got a few things done around the house, went out to dinner, then sent Chet home with 3 of the 4 kiddos and Grammy, Evan and I went shopping. Got some summer clothes for all the kids!

Saturday went to Costco and Sam's and spent a wee bit of money but have enough groceries for at least 3 weeks which I love because I hate going to the grocery store every week. Got home and unloaded groceries in the pouring down rain.

Then Sunday was BEAUTIFUL, Got hair cuts (pic of Rylie coming soon), went to a birthday party for Austin and played outside the rest of the day.

 Daddy was cutting down the prairie grass around our flagpole and...........
Katelin helped him load it all into the trailer that.............
Rylie was pulling with the riding mower, Katelin and Owen went along for the ride!

Notice how relaxed Katelin is in the bottom left picture?!?!

And one last picture of my sweet baby boy cuddling with his mama............
My "mom" brain is working overtime.....I thought the kids had Monday off of school also but double checked the calendar at about 9:30 Sunday night to realize they did have school was rush rush rush to take showers, bedtime snack, brush teeth and get into bed. At least I double checked!!! Needless to say the kids weren't to happy that they thought they had another day off but didn't.

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