Thursday, March 17, 2011

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday!

Well....Monday it snowed. I know, right??? First official day of Spring Break and it snows. But fortunately it was all melted and spring was in the air by Tuesday. Chet was working, so it was just me and the kiddos. After getting woke up, I made us a late breakfast.

This was after I did Katelins hair, pretty huh? She brought me 2 pony tails and like 5 clips and she told me I had to use them I did.
Then Evan took his first bath in the "big" tub. Then after he was all clean, all the kids got in with him. I would have taken a pic but Rylie is to old to have bath pics taken so I didn't.
And well....this was just too cute not to share.........
Owen already teaching Evan how to play Xbox.
After Chet got home, we went to the doctor to have the younger two checked out, still just an icky old cold!

And Wednesday was absolutely gorgeous, I had windows open, kids played outside, got some cleaning done.....just a day around the house! Then I cooked hamburgers on the grill for dinner, so excited for the nice weather!

Thursday we went to the zoo so I will have pictures to share tomorrow!!!

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