Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A bit of this and a bit of that.....

I think that will pretty much sum up this post.....a little bit of everything!

Where to begin............how about with a tooth, yes thats right....Evan has his first tooth and I got a picture of it!
Can you see it??? It's there, I promise and the drool to go with it!

Here's Ev playing this morning....how cute is he??? Seriously, it's almost unbearable...he's just too stinkin cute! He loves the cube Santa brought him for Christmas! And I think crawling is in the near future, he's beginning to rock on his hands and knees quite a bit. However, getting around isn't a problem, he just rolls and scoots to where ever he desires!

Playing in his crib!
Evan playing with Katelin in her room.
Speaking of Katelin.......oh my, this crazy girl of mine! I'm telling you, we have some adventures ahead of us with her but she brings so much laughter into our lives.....it's crazy!!!
So Sunday we are heading to Ottawa for Maddison's birthday party and Katelin wanted to play with the GPS (or SeePS as it sounds in Katelin talk), no big deal, I let her play with it in the car. Then she says, "mama, i'm on daddys thing....he's going to beat my ass Ummmm *giggle giggle*".....I do reprimand her for cussing but I think I also tend to giggle a little myself. She knows how cute she is.....*sigh* even if she is cussing. Luckily ass & damnit seem to be the worst of it (except for one time but I don't think I should share that story on here, it wasn't so cute and Daddy got reprimanded for that one.)!

Despite some of the things that comes out of it.......what's not to love with a face like that!

Then there was the gum incident.......Katelin likes to chew gum and she does pretty well with it. Well the other night she fell asleep while chewing gum, I guess it's because she was chewing as she fell asleep but she had her teeth clinched tight. So I literally had to pry open her mouth and pull out the gum. It was kinda funny to watch, not a very good pic (taken on Chet's cell phone) but here is me prying gum out of my sweet girls mouth. But it had to be done, I didn't want her to choke on it.

Katelin has learned how to draw Mickey Mouse and if I do say so myself she did a great job!

Okay, Okay......you're right.....she didn't draw it, Daddy did! I still think she has a talent in the art department though!!! She wanted daddy to draw all the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters but that didn't happen.
I don't have any new pics of the big kids but I will have something special to share about my O tomorrow so you will just have to wait until then.

And a quick tidbit on my Ry....I've mentioned before how Rylie can throw quite a fit when she is told something she doesn't like, well......last night was no exception when she did not want to take a shower but I stood my ground and she took one. After her shower still dripping wet in a towel she sat next to me and said, "mama, i'm sorry for how I acted" and I said, " you know you still are being punished and are not allowed on the computer until you earn it back" and she simply said, "I know." I'm proud of her, she is aware of when she does wrong and apologizes without being told to do so. We continued to talk about it and she told how she knows she is acting wrong but she says it's like her brain just tells her to act like that because she is soooo mad. It may just be her having the maturity to learn to control her actions better but we agreed to discuss it with the doctor at her 9 year check up.

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