Monday, March 7, 2011

Is it Monday Yet???

Not to often will you hear me say those words!!! But I think I may have said it a few times over this past weekend. Not that it was a bad weekend, just very very busy. And I enjoy and need my downtime, not that I have a lot of actual downtime but just my usual crazy time at home is my downtime. So Friday was spent, much to my husbands dismay, with him running me all around town getting ready for by best friend Mandy's baby shower. I sure do love my husband, he got a little grumpy near the end but was a trooper for the most part.
Saturday I had a brunch for Mandy's baby shower. It was one big shower with her friends, her family and Chad's family so I was a bit nervous about it all going okay. I had already made one big goof and left the date off all the invitations, didn't realize until after they were sealed, stamped and ready to be mailed so I glued a little note apologizing for my "mom brain" and sharing the date of the brunch. I felt pretty dumb after that but happens. Everything was going really well until time to move the gifts over to the guest of honor to be opened! I dropped one.........normally not a big deal, right???? Most gifts are full of clothes, diapers, blankets, ect...... No, not the one I dropped, I dropped the one gift that contained something breakable, not only something breakable but a handmade piggy bank so I couldn't even make up for what I broke by paying for it. If you know me, well you know I tend to be a wee bit sensitive plus I already had anxiety built up. The gift was from Chad's step grandmother and her and her daughter, understandably were quite upset and were sure to let me know they were quite upset. They could have been a bit nicer since it was an accident but I know they were upset by it and I just still feel so horrible, it had me in tears. Mandy, however, assured me it was okay and made me feel much better as she is so good at doing!

Anyway, let me share some pics from the shower...............
Cake, balloons, gifts galore and guests!
Some of our younger guest.....Christopher with the balloons, Lydia & Christopher, and Mandy with her friends little baby girl!
Christopher helping grandma clean.
The beautiful mama to be with her first born Christopher!
I hope Mandy had a good time, she is a wonderful friend, an incredible mama and her baby girl is one very lucky little girl..........she has a spectacular role model!!!

I went directly from Mandy's church where we had her shower to another church in Liberty.....This all took place on March 5 which is one year from the day that we buried Chet's mom. And we were back at the same church exactly one year later with most of the same family members for a memorial service for Chet's Uncle Joe (Chet's Aunt Michelle's husband)  who had passed away a little over a week prior. I missed the service due to the shower but I wanted to be there and see all the family. I had only met Joe a few times but it was obvious how many people loved him and I know Chet has a lot of memories of him. So RIP Joe!

Sunday we went to Miss Maddison's 9th birthday party, Chet stayed home but the kids and I went. I don't have a large family so my friends are my extended family and as always we had a great time. The kids playing and the girls talking..........always good for the soul! I will probably have another post tomorrow, more pics and less words but that is how my weekend was and well today (Monday), I didn't leave the house, got most of my laundry done, house is pretty in order so I got my downtime!

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