Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Evan Wade 7 months

Yes, it is that time of the month again......my sweet boy hit another month old! He is so close to crawling, he can get into crawling position, he rocks, and turns himself around but just hasn't quite made a crawling move. He will scoot himself a little while in position and can go from crawling position to sitting. It is so funny to watch him, it won't be long now!

He's got the right moves just isn't quite ready to go!
He will sit...well...I shouldn't say sit, I should say he will roll and scoot all over the living room just as content as can be playing with his toys and I can just sit and watch him and also be perfectly content because he is just that darn cute. Any guesses on one of his favorite toys???

He loves this thing and can pull himself up to his knees on it, i'm telling you...he is ready to be mobile.
He has been sick for nearly 2 months with upper respiratory virus'......hopefully with spring here all this yuck will go away. I don't like seeing him sick but he is still just as happy as ever.

I, of course, have his bear pics.......
And then his picture taken tonight..................

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