Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring is in the air!!!

We usually do homework right after school but not today..............it was way to nice out so we played outside

How pretty is she??? Rylie is starting to look so grown up!
And I love this pic of Owen...he has a real smile not his usual fake one!

Katelin wanted to sweep the porch for me!

Evan's first time in a swing and he loved it! Obviously this was Katelins swing but he doesn't care that it's pink.

Playing outside and they wanted to sit in my van.....this is kind of a scary glimpse into the future, I am in no hurry to get to the point of Rylie driving and Owen going along for the ride (hopefully he won't be hanging out the window then)!!!
My sweet little Katelin!

Look at that face! How could you not LOVE it?!?! My heart seriously melts everytime I look at it!!!

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