Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wanna see my little diva?

How cute is she??? She was singing her little heart out too!
Any guesses on who's responsible for this adorable look???

That would be my RyRy, she has quite the fashion sense, those leapord print pants you see.....they are actually pajama bottoms, Rylie even did the cute little hair do.

How do you like her new hair cut??? I love it! She is so pretty no matter what but I thought a new do would be fun for summer. She wasn't too sure at first, her Daddy likes his girls to keep their hair long and he tries to imbed that in their brains but he still likes it.

See this little mess???  This is the same mess that I clean up many many times everyday, guess who is responsible for this???

Yes, that sweet boy of mine would be the culprit, he just loves to pull out the container of wii stuff and spread it all around. But it's only going to get worse because as of today my boy is officially crawling! Oh Boy, better watch out world because here he comes!

Do you know what is so special about this picture???
To look at it.....well nothing too special (except for the 3 incredibly special kiddos of mine), but what is so special is my kids were playing and laughing and having such genuine fun with each other it just made me smile and made me want to capture the moment.

I consider myself lucky because my kids all get along really really well.... most of the time but they are siblings and they do fight. But tonight they were really just having so much fun, it was great! I don't really have much of a relationship with my brother and it is so important to me that my kids grow up close and are always there for each other. I don't think that will be a problem.

And here is my sweet Evan this morning after Daddy turned on the light.....seriously, Daddy.....let a baby sleep in peace!

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