Thursday, March 3, 2011

Raisin' us some Rednecks!

We moved to the country almost 3 years ago and our kids Love it!!!! We believe in the right to bear arms, although we think their should be more regulation on who has the right to bear arms but that's a whole different blog. Anyway......we believe in teaching our children about guns, how to use them and how to respect them. To do this you start at an early age, you allow them to see, feel, hold and shoot them. By doing this you remove the curiosity they have of guns! Chet has his conceal and carry license so he can legally carry a gun and I hope to get mine at some point.. So we took the kids outside today and let them shoot our air rifle.

Owen has shot before but I think he is just now getting the strength and coordination to do it and enjoy it and boy did he ever......................
Chet had him shooting at a can and he was hitting it! It amazes me how much he has grown up! He's making his daddy proud because he's on his way to being a true redneck! He hit the can standing up several times but then had a little trouble keeping it steady so daddy got him a chair and then he was hitting one after another about 25 feet away from him!

Katelin got a turn too but she was more interested in playing with and finding the green bb's, which she called marbles! She now has her "marble" collection in a cup!

And watch out girl is learning to shoot a gun! Rylie is a pretty good mixture of tomboy and girly girl, probably a bit more girly girl though but she does enjoy doing all these things especially riding 4 wheelers. I'm pretty certain she won't be taking any crap from any boy, she doesn't take it from anyone else.

And my Evie......he's not ready for shooting guns...........yet! But it's always good to share his sweet face with the world (or at least the teeny tiny population of the world that reads my blog). I have no doubt he will be jumping right in with the big boys before we know it!

And to anyone reading this and feeling concerned about us having guns in our house.......I promise you, even though we teach our kids about gun safety, we keep all guns and gun paraphenalia put far away from access of little people!


Whatever said...

Hello rednecks, you guys rock, I agree it is smart to teach the children, this releases the mystery that weapons hold for uneducated people. Teaching the kids to handle guns and grow up using them is a smart choice. So this summer I want to come out and help educate my children, myself included, on the proper use of guns.

Shannon Farage said...

Absolutely......Chet would love to teach your boys and you how to shoot! Then maybe you and I can go get our conceal and carrys together!!!

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