Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another Snow Day!!!

The kids were super excited to be snowed out again, remember just a few post ago all the fun snow day pics..........well what do you think we did this time?????

I will tell you it's probably not what you here is a preview...........

Katelin drew a picture of Daddy, it really amazes me that she can draw a person that well at 2 1/2!

 We let the kids bring Ry's mattress in our room and have a sleepover in Mommy and Daddy's room and then we stayed in our pj's ALL day!

After cleaning up the house we all watched Shrek forever after! And we had 2 sick little girls on our hands....

Rylie had a temp around 100 degrees all day, she pretty much hung out on the couch just feeling a little yucky, drank her smoothie and rested.
Katelin had a low degree temp that wasn't keeping her down until mid movie and it spiked to 104 degrees and i've never seen my sweet girl so sick, luckily tylenol seemed to help and she's feeling a little better now!

So not as much going on as the last snow day but besides my sick girls it was still a good day. I will leave you with a pretty pic of the snow falling in our backyard!

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