Monday, January 3, 2011

It's a pillow, It's a pet..........

It's a pillow pet!!!!

Guess who got a pillow pet for Christmas????

If you guessed Rylie or Owen then you are right! And if you guessed Katelin or Evan????

Well you would also be right! In fact you could have guessed Haylie, Dylan or Xander and also have been right!

Nanny (my grandma) got all of her great grandkids a pillow pet.....and it is one of the few gifts, I have seen, that works great for all ages of kids!  They all love their pillow pet!

Rylie and her kitty!

The O man with his pup!

KK and her bunny!

And Evie with his elephant!

And sorry if I got the pillow pet song stuck in your head the rest of the day, it's stuck in my head too! 3 of my 4 go around singing it sooooo it's stuck in my head A LOT!!!

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