Thursday, January 27, 2011

I have a certain little child of mine..........

that is completely and totally obsessed!!!!  Can you guess what that certain little child of mine is obsessed with????
Thats Right!!!! My little curly blond haired beauty is obsessed with everything that is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.............and courtesy of Santa in her stocking she even has all the little characters! She also has 2 stuffed Mickeys and 2 stuffed Minnies!

We have about 20 or so MM Clubhouse's recorded on our DVR, that way we always have one if we need it. Now if it were up to Katelin (or if mommy let Grammy spoil Katelin the way Grammy would like to) she would have it playing on the TV 24/7 but i'm not the kind of Mom to allow that to happen.

Anyway, for the past 2 weeks she's been wanting to watch the one with 2 mickeys and 2 tudos (that would be plutos in Katelin talk), well none of us had any clue what she was talking about until this morning!!!!

There was a commercial for the upcoming MMC and Katelin starts yelling that's it , thats the one with 2 mickey and 2 tudos, so as a relief to everyone in our household we now know which episode it is and what it is call and we have it on DVR, whew............

As long as we are talking about my children and their obsessions, let me share a few pics of my youngest little angel and 2 of his newest obsessions...............

Yeah my sweet little Evie always has his feet in his hands and his tongue hanging out..........have I mentioned what a HAPPY baby he is??? OK, I thought I had but I just wanted to make sure because he really is just about the happiest baby I have ever seen (and he is even teething!)

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