Monday, January 24, 2011

Stuck in the Snow!!

So in my last post I talked about going to Strouds for Grammy's birthday, well I left out a small part of the day......I did this because it was my mom's birthday and I had to be nice but her birthday is over and I can pick on her again! Can you guess what she did as we were leaving for Strouds Saturday night?

She got her car stuck in the yard while pulling out of the driveway!!!! We had to pull her out in the truck!!! Owen and Dylan were riding with her and Rylie and Katelin were in the truck with us. When I told Katelin that Grammy was stuck in the snow, she started talking about Grammy going to heaven and needing to be covered up and getting kind of upset so I realized she took me literally. I had to explain to her that Grammy wasn't actually stuck in the snow but that her car was! Rylie, on the other hand, was in the back going "Grammy Stop, your getting my pretty snow all dirty!" She wasn't too happy with Grammy after this little incident!

So that was just another "Grammy moment", that we will most likely never let her forget!!! We Love You Grammy!!!

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