Sunday, January 30, 2011

These are a few of O's favorite things.........

So this week is all about my O..........can you guess why????

Well it's because this is his birthday week, and he is going to be 6 on February 2.....I know, I know, I can't hardly believe it either!

So can you figure out his favorite things............ OK,I will go ahead and tell ya!!!

Nerf guns, his containers full of army guys, pirates, super heroes, trucks, all that boy stuff! Also football, the KC Chiefs, video games, his mudtruck comforter and mudtrucks too. There is also his lava lamp, oreo cookies and his baby brother (he really really likes his baby brother)!

Don't get me wrong he loves his sisters too but there is just something about his baby brother! He also really likes to pick on his sisters and make them mad!!!!

His favorite color is blue (though I think camo comes in a very close second), he wants to be a cop when he grows up, he says he has no plans to ever get married or have kids (however, I think that will change one day)!
He is senstive and sweet, gets his feelings hurt easily, loves to make funny sounds and loves animals!

He answers to several nicknames O man, O meister, bubba. bubberoo, buberoni, O O, and Andy (this is a thing between him and his daddy)

He is an all around boys boy, a very good boy with a bit of an onery side!

He has the brightest blue eyes and the biggest heart and he is a proud "mama's boy! And his mama his proud to call him her boy!

He is very loved by everyone who knows him!

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