Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Little of this......

and a Little of that!

What do you do when you are 5 months old and you are sitting in your bouncy chair and you want out but you don't see that nice lady who feeds you and holds you and kisses you ALL the time................ wiggle and you wiggle until you have no choice but to wait for that mama lady to come and get you! (Which I was only one room away and he hadn't cried at all so I guess he really thought he could get where he wanted to go, all on his own, it sure made me laugh a little)!

Katelin got some potato heads for Christmas, they will entertain her for quite a while......she likes to make people she knows!

This particular day, she made Daddy (the one with the mustache), Mommy (the one with the big purple nose and red shoes) and Grammy (the one with a green hat and orange ears)! I see the resemblance, don't you???

I'm not sure if i've mentioned it before but my husband it a Mr. Fix It, he can do just about anything around the house or in a vehicle which saves us a lot of headaches and money. But he is also very creative and talented with stuff and is always coming up with fun stuff for the what did he come up with this time???

That would be a cardboard airplane he made out of an old box. He made it after the kids went to bed and left it in Owen's room. He woke me up early the next morning and said, "Mama i'm hungary and who made that big paper airplane?"  It was cute!

It only survived a day or two but the kids had fun with it while it lasted. It amazes me how the most expensive toys can go untouched yet the cheapest, strangest things can bring endless fun to the kids. I'm glad my kids have great imaginations and don't need to always have expensive, battery powered toys to entertain them!

I'll leave you with one more pic of my precious little younger two have some pretty goofy faces going on here!!!


Miss Jackson said...

I am really impressed with Chet's airplane!!! And that last pic of Evan is soooo cute!! It is obvious that he is such a joyful baby! And, all of the kids and their pics are adorable, of course!!!! XOXO

Shannon Farage said...

that is sooo cute and katelin had a funny face and evan it was funny and cute and silly and i hope you are haveing a good day and wow the airplan it did not even last a sec well i had to fix it for owen oh and this is her big kid and kk's face was just soo funny and this is her big kid i am very funny and i always make my family laugh like crazy well all of you have a good day

Shannon Farage said...

and this is Rylie who left these comments.

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