Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!!!

Any guesses on what we did this morning??? OK i'll give you a few hints:
Yeap....we played in the snow, for about 30 minutes, however it took at least 20 minutes to get us all ready and another 20 minutes to warm them up after we came inside so the overall experience was at least an hour!

I love snow, just not the cold that comes with it! And I really only like it the first days when it's pretty before the cars and the feet and animals have made it all dirty!

And while playing in the snow is not on the top of my favorite things is a childhood adventure no child should be without, so I bundled up and enjoyed the time with my favorite little people!

My little angels (really sometimes they are), made snow angels!

They took shelter in the playhouse!
Even my sweet little Evan seemed to enjoy his first snow!

 Oh! Have you ever seen a redneck snow shovel?
Well, here you go!
Whatever Works, Right?

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