Thursday, January 6, 2011

Winter Break is OVER!!!!

Let me start by saying that I truly enjoyed spending time with my flock over the break but by Monday they were driving me bonkers and I was looking foward to school beginning on Wednesday (until something happened yesterday with my Ry that made me want to cry.....i'll get to that soon.)

So I tried to make our last couple of days FUN, so what did we do..........
Yeap, a little bit of painting for my little van gogh's and it's a talented group i got here, don't you think?
Also instead of a teddy bear picnic, they had a teddy bear fight(they are their daddy's kids!)

 Then they posed to show what sweethearts they "usually" are!

 And what goofballs they almost always are!

Evan's just looking at them like they are CRAZY!!!
 We also watched a movie snuggled in my bed (although they may have bickered more than they watched)
and I took them out to lunch on Tuesday and we ran a few errands. As much as they drove me crazy on Monday they made up for it by being absolute angels on Tuesday!

Then Wednesday was back to school and the morning went well (back to school after a long break is always in adjustment in our house) and I was excited to get back into our routine until............I went to pick the O up from school and my heart broke a little.

My heart broke for this beautiful firstborn child of mine.....

You see when I pick Owen up from AM Kindergarten, Rylie's class is usually at recess so I get to see my girl from a distance. Well the past 2 days when I have seen her she is just walking around all by herself and I had tears in my eyes, I just wanted to go get her and take her home with me. I realize this is all part of being a kid and growing up but it is still hard. No parent wants to see their kid lonely with noone to play with. It's not that Rylie doesn't have friends but her bff Abby has been playing soccer with some other kids and Rylie doesn't like doing that and she is shy like I was and not super confident with herself especially socially. So when i'm at the school for parties and stuff I see other kids talk to her but she is the type (like I was) who won't approach other kids to play, they would have to approach her. While it's not a major thing, it does make me very sad to see!

I've mentioned before that Rylie and I butt heads with one another but with the new year I have begun taking a new approach with her and so far so good. But no matter how much we butt heads she is my special girl and I love her with everything I have. I've realized that being my firstborn along with her having all her first, I also had all of my first so she's been as much my teacher as I have hers and I know i've made some mistakes with her along the way. I am so proud of how much she has blossomed the past few years and I hope she continues so she is able to not have social anxietys and enjoy being a kid and having lots of friends. So here are a few more pics of her beautiful face........

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