Thursday, January 13, 2011

One of those moments.............

that puts a smile on my face and a warm fuzzy in my heart.................
 Just a quiet moment (by quiet I mean no fighting or bickering), everyone together doing something simple getting along talking and laughing.......these are some of my favorite moments with my favorite people!
And these next pictures.....well they are just plain old awwwwwww moments.....

My sweet boys snuggling fast asleep, once upon a time I said "as long as I have girls I will be happy", Obviously I didn't know at the time what a blessing boys are, there are no words!

And one last thing..............

           See these pictures, well they are from this morning.....this morning which was about 5 degrees outside, this morning when our heater had quit working the night before, this morning when our house was 54 degrees inside, this morning when it was flipping COLD! The first is Ry and O eating breakfast in front of the heater in our room, then Katelin watching, what else but Mickey Mouse and Evan literally chilling out with their hats on. Luckily by about 1pm we had heat again.....Thank Goodness!                                      

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