Thursday, January 20, 2011


We had a house full on Sunday night and Monday (the kids were off school for MLK Jr. Day), Haylie and Dylan spent the night and Xander came over early the next morning actually really early like 4 am because Dylan began to not feel great and wanted his mom so she came over and slept on the couch until she had to go to work! Anyway the kids had a good time, they usually do when they all get together.........

The girls played some wii

 The boys, well they were boys, nerf guns, cars & superheroes!

We also had the little boys and they were angels of course and my Ry Ry was a super big helper, even getting Xander to sleep for me!

And don't worry I didn't forget see she's the only one without a partner in crime (a same sex, about the same age cousin).....and this worries me because she just might be onery enough for two kids just all wrapped up in one adorable little package!

She began without wanting her picture taken.....

But quickly changed her tune and was hamming it up for the camera...

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