Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Snow Fun!!!

Knowing the snow would be melting soon...........we took the kids outside after school today to build a snowman (Katelin wanted to make a snow baby, snow mommy, snow puppy, even a snow horse.....sorry KK but your mommy and daddy aren't that talented.)

Anyway, I had bought Katelin some snowbibs like the other kids have (I buy black ones so they can be passed down regardless of gender, smart huh?) and she looked so darn cute in them, so cute that well....i'll just have to show you..............
Also consider yourself warned.........if you ever throw a snowball at Owen, he will retaliate.........
Rylie was busy working on the snowman.............

We had all the parts and pieces......

We just didn't have very good snow, it didn't want to pack......so do you think we were able to make one???

I guess you might call it a snow midget!

We did have one altercation...Owen clobbered Katelin in the face with a snowball...

 And this is Owen after he got in trouble, he claims everyone was being mean to him?!?

So we had some fun in the snow, even though our snowman didn't quite stack up! Not to worry though they are calling for more snow in our near future

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