Saturday, January 15, 2011

Evan Wade 5 months

Can you guess what I love most about my sweet little Evan????

EVERYTHING.....from the soft little fuzzies on his head to his cute little toes, this sweet baby of mine has captured my heart in every way!!!!

At 5 months old he has shown us so much personality.......he is happy and smiling ALL the time!
He babbles and laughs, rolls over, is sitting up very well with support and is loving his food.
He is eating cereal and I mix it with baby food, so far he has had apples, bananas, peaches, carrots and squash and he loves all of it!

He loves his jumperoo and loves to look at himself in the mirror (I don't blame him, I could stare at him all day long, he is just the cutest thing EVER!) He has discovered his feet and loves to play with them.

He weighs around 18lbs, and is in size 3 diapers however with his chubs I may buy size 4 next time!!!

Daddy has began the tradition he's done with all the kids and has started giving Evan itty bitty pieces of ice and he loves it, he also loves his daddy an awful lot, he finds him to be pretty funny (but let's not tell daddy, his head might swell). Not to worry, mommy is still his favorite!!!

Well here are his monthly pics with the bear.......he sure has grown in these 5 months!!!!!

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